Sunday, 15 January 2017

How to install arachni_web in kali linux 2017

I was having an issue with installing arachni_web via git clone, (actually i was running into all kinds of dependency issues with ruby) so I figured another way to do it

first i changed into the Downloads directory

pentestblack@kali:~$ cd Downloads/

then visit the arachni download page 

and choose either the 32-bit or 64-bit download if your not sure what you have grab the 32-bit one, for this demo we are using the 32-bit download, so now we need to get wget to fetch the file

pentestblack@kali:~/Downloads$ wget

we also want the SHA1 checksum (this is to check the integrity of the file you download ensuring it hasn't been tampered with)

pentestblack@kali:~/Downloads$ wget

Once they have both downloaded verify the download

pentestblack@kali:~/Downloads$ cat arachni-1.4-0.5.10-linux-i686.tar.gz.sha1 
This will give us the SHA1 checksum which is (at time of writing)

copy this number by highlighting it, right click and select copy, next command

pentestblack@kali:~/Downloads$ echo b0979003bae7d05020c9388e40113775df11d03a arachni-1.4-0.5.10-linux-i686.tar.gz | sha1sum -c

you should see

arachni-1.4-0.5.10-linux-i686.tar.gz: OK 

if you see ANYTHING other than this line do not proceed as it would mean the file you have download has most likely been tampered with and any installation of the files may lead to security issues and/or compromise of your system, for example

arachni-1.4-0.5.10-linux-i686.tar.gz: FAILED
sha1sum: WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match

 Once have verified the download we can now complete the next few steps quickly 

pentestblack@kali:~/Downloads$ tar -zxvf arachni-1.4-0.5.10-linux-i686.tar.gz 

This will create a new folder called arachni-1.4-0.5.10 and we now need to change into this directory 

pentestblack@kali:~/Downloads$ cd arachni-1.4-0.5.10/

now we are in that directory we need to change into the bin directory 

pentestblack@kali:~/Downloads/arachni-1.4-0.5.10$ cd bin

now we are ready to launch arachni_web, to do this simply run

pentestblack@kali:~/Downloads/arachni-1.4-0.5.10/bin$ ./arachni_web 

after a few seconds you will see the following output 

Puma 2.14.0 starting...
* Min threads: 0, max threads: 16
* Environment: development
* Listening on tcp://localhost:9292 

now open a web browser and enter 

and you will see the arachni_web login page (as shown below)


default credentials are 

username: admin@admin.admin
password: administrator

you will now be logged into the arachni_web (as shown below)

congratulations you have now installed arachni_web on kali linux

you can check the video on youtube