- I don't want to directly give them my actual real day to day number I mean who the fuck does ?
- I do have a seperate sim i often use for these annoying kind of things - BUT - that number is tied to another account that got locked so no can use that (as show below)

So this time i was stuck... a little
This is quite a common problem any pentester will atest to that, and any serious internet user will too. Those that live in the US (not sure about canada) can use google voice but that involves adding a phone number to google voice to forward your calls too.
- I dont want to to give google my number (although they most likely have it already, with all the piss poor app permissions out there unwary friends and family will most definitely have inadvertently uploaded the contacts of their phonebook to fuck knows who)
Its quite simple really
Ideal but not required - have a secondary device that only uses wifi and has no phone number attached to it (tablet, second phone thats old or BLOCKED) the more privacy conscious of us will recognize the cost of this
Install an app called dingtone - there may be other apps that do this but I have used dingtone several times in the past where I have needed a landline number with a new account you will need to build your credits up, 60 credits required to get a free landline number this can be achieved easily by completing offers **best and fastest way is to complete the offers where you need to install and run an app ** simply uninstall them once installed and you collect your credits. This can easily be done within 30 mins Stay away from survey apps they take long and are annoying
once you have your 60 credits you can choose a landline from
- you can choose many many numbers from many cities within those countries
Download dingtone from http://dingtone.me/d?i=n1Qgdo and use my invitation code to get a gift: kse7ue.
So what do you guys think is there an easier way to do this ?
I'm sure once twitter is aware of this they'll take extra measures to prevent it so get on it while you can